{Vegan Wednesday} Vegan Wednesday #131

After one week of break I’m back with another Vegan Wednesday, this time Cookies & Style is collecting and pinning the posts of all participants.

Vegan breakfast means currently mostly porridge, this week I prepared a special version of apple pie porridge. I cooked oats in vanilla soy milk and cinnamon and then added one grated apple. The toppings are puffed quinoa, almonds and dried apples.

Apple Pie Porridge



Apple Porridge

At university I drank a black tea and had some apricot cookies, later at home I had lemon water and some herbal teas.


The quick and simple dinner was Turkish rice with chickpeas in tomato sauce.


I hope you had a nice week with lots of tasty food.

Since my first visitors will come to Istanbul soon, I have been thinking about which places to see, where to eat and so on. Have you visited Istanbul? What have been your favorite places?

Hope to see you next week again!


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